In five steps to your dream job

Does this sound familiar to you…? How to find a fulfilling job? What are my major strengths and skills? How can I make the most out of them? How can I improve my chances when applying for a new job? I need specific tips for interviews or for my CV. Our certified coaches will be happy to help.

The TwinSet-PILOT-Method is a modular concept which offers a great flexibility as you can choose where to start.


  • Module 1: Positioning
  • Module 2: Analysis of your current situation
  • Module 3: Logbook (your personal goals)
  • Module 4: Options
  • Module 5: Implementation


  • Systemic questioning techniques
  • Career coaching
  • Consulting tools

  • Orientation thanks to clarity about your personal objectives, values and needs
  • Clarity about your “dream job”
  • Personal action plan
  • Individual support for the implementation


  • Per module: approx. ca. 3 sessions